Calories are NOT created equally
This may sound like a simple message, but I’m surprised how many practitioners still talk about “calories in calories out” and “eat less move more.” No wonder so many are confused.
This is such old methodology when you consider the nuances of true metabolic health, glycemic load and what I term metabolic flexibility.
When considering your food choices , please do not focus solely on the calories as no two calories behave the same.
Two foods can have the exact same number of calories, but the molecules inside are completely different and have different impacts on your health and, may impact differently on your partners health. No one size fits all..
The chart below is a very good example as I have built my practice around educating and supporting clients on this very journey.
Two people can eat the same number of calories however:
One food can cause glucose spikes, with resultant insulin spikes which causes the propensity to hold onto fat stores. This of course is a simplistic and the process is multi variant. Hormones and endocrine function can also come into play here.
This same food could predispose you to chronic inflammation, increase in toxic burden, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and the potential of neuro-cognitive decline.
The other food could be very low glycaemic, keep you full for longer with its healthy fat component. This is potentially more metabolically active to keep your glucose levels at bay as well as you feeling energised. The cellular ATP energy source created from fat is significantly higher than that from carbohydrate or sugar.
The graphs above courtesy of demonstrate how 2 foods with the same caloric load can have a vastly differing impact on our metabolism, satiety, and inflammatory risk.
The focus always is on the quality and nutrient density of the food including the right amount of macro and micro nutrients, the timing of the food, the glycaemic load of the food as well as the satiety afforded.
Stay well and enjoy good food, especially when it is so cold here in Sydney.